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Cursos e Eventos Realizados

Craniosynostosis Symposium • 14 e 15/03/2024 (evento internacional presencial)


Craniosynostosis Symposium:
Comprehensive care, policy and advocacy

march 14-15, 2024 • Bauru, SP, Brazil

Click here to download the scientific program (english) 
Clique aqui para baixar a programação científica (português)
Veja aqui a programação do jantar de confraternização (14/03/2024) – por adesão

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COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS (instituições colaboradoras)

• HRAC – Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais – Bauru SP, Brazil
• Boston Children’s Hospital – Boston MA, USA
• Necker Enfants Malades – Paris, France

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LOCATION (local)

University Theater of Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo (FOB-USP) – Bauru SP, Brazil.

Teatro Universitário da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (FOB-USP) – Bauru, SP, Brasil

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Clique aqui para visualizar o texto em português (clique para abrir)

This will be a 2-day meeting that focuses on craniofacial disorders in Brazil. It will have clinically focused morning meetings concentrating on syndromic craniosynostosis, including Apert syndrome. The morning sessions on both days will discuss the different protocol approaches in Brazil as well as Boston Children’s Hospital and Necker Hospital in Paris as a means of comparing and contrasting different approaches. There will also be specialty-specific sessions that focus on sub-specialty care for all the different aspects of care of the complex syndromic craniofacial patient. The goals of the morning sessions include sharing clinical experiences and, more importantly, providing a framework for clinical and research collaboration in the future.

In the afternoon, on both days, the emphasis will shift to policy and advocacy. What is the present situation in Brazil regarding managing patients with craniofacial disorders (of all types, including craniosynostosis and other craniofacial conditions)? What are the barriers to care? Are there workforce, infrastructure, funding, policy, or governance issues that could be addressed? Is there a gap in the public/private management of this complex patient population? How can Brazil move forward and create universal access to safe, affordable care for patients with craniofacial disorders? What learning points are there from the recent successes seen in global surgery in terms of national approaches to surgical system strengthening? For the afternoon sessions, advocacy and policy experts from all aspects of Brazilian health care policy, delivery, and governance will be invited. We will also invite patient and family advocacy organizations and NGOs caring for patients with craniofacial conditions. The goals for this afternoon session include not only documenting the present issues related to the care of the complex syndromic craniofcial patient but also how this dialogue can bring about policy, legal, and governance changes in Brazil to provide safe, affordable, quality access to care for all patients and families with craniofacial conditions.

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AGENDA (programação)
Click here to download the scientific program

Day 1 • Thursday • March 14, 2024 (click to expand)

Day 2 • Friday • March 15, 2024 (click to expand)

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REGISTRATION (inscrição)

Registration form (formulário de inscrição): inscrições encerradas! (

Categoria Valores até 22/02/2024 Valores a partir de 23/02/2024
Profissional R$ 400,00 R$ 480,00
Pós-graduando* R$ 300,00 R$ 350,00
Profissional HRAC-USP R$ 150,00 R$ 200,00
Participante não profissional (somente sessão da tarde) R$ 150,00 R$ 200,00
Aluno de graduação* Isento Isento
Aluno HRAC-USP* Isento Isento

* É obrigatório o envio de documento que comprove o vínculo acadêmico, com prazo de matrícula vigente na data da inscrição.

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ORGANIZATION, SUPPORT AND SPONSORSHIP (organização, apoio e patrocínio)


N. Alonso; R. d. S. Freitas; C. Tonello; P. Pellerin
Facial Reconstruction of Unusual Facial Clefts: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

Reservas Hotel Intercity Bauru

Seção de Apoio Acadêmico HRAC-USP

(14) 3235-8420 |